The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Graduated Sept. 5, 1964, a beautiful sunny day on Old Main's perfect lawn, also received Greetings from President Johnson (same day). 1970 Honorable Discharged from USA (339th Gen. Hosp. Unit Pittsburgh, PA). 1971 happily married Gretchen Bruns; we are very proud of our kids: Erika & Grant. Erika served 2 years in The US Peace Corps (Armenia)-currently works for TBBC in Thailand. Grant works for The Burnham Institute for Medical Research in La Jolla, CA. Gretchen is now working full time with Estee Lauder. Me, I retired 3/08 from the corp. world (30 years) & entrepreneurship (9 years), purchased a Guinness Surgery Unit, and now enjoy yard work and our patio. Yes, I do go to the Body Zone-good exercise for the waist line. I also love to read and laugh. I'm a thankful, happy man!